The Hindu deity Ganesh is extremely poopular the whole world over, mostly because he is said to remove obstacles, is a patron of the arts and sciences, and the god of intellect and wisdom. The string doll Ganesh, therefore, reminds you that the wisest people always keep an open mind.
Kamibashi believes in fair trade and are members of the Fair Trade Federation. They work directly with our artisans in Thailand to help create a sustainable business model that will continue to develop and grow in the future.
2”–3” String Doll character with a double-sided fabric nametag, keyring, and lobster claw.
Shop for sweet Asbury Park souvenirs for locals. Classics like Tillie and local icons available as tees, towels, stickers and gifts!
Shop for original, limited-edition t-shirts, towels, totes, stickers/pins and gifts from Wooden Wall mural artists.